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Dr. Kristin Campbell will be a panelist at BC Women’s Health Foundation Illuminations Event

Dr. Kristin Campbell will be a panelist at BC Women’s Health Foundation Illuminations Event

We are excited to share that Dr. Kristin Campbell is one of four panelists presenting at the upcoming BC Women’s Health Foundation Illuminations luncheon, Thursday April 7th.  She will be joined by Dr. Mohamed Bedaiwy, Dr. Lori Brotto and Dr. Deborah Money as well as keynote speaker, Dr. Bonnie Henry.  For more information on this […]

Congratulations to CEPL Alumni!

Congratulations to CEPL Alumni!

Congratulations to CEPL alumni!  The systematic review you did while in the lab on the impact of chemotherapy completion rate got cited in the latest American Cancer Society Nutrition and Physical Activity Guidelines paper.  The guidelines are published in the journal CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, which has the highest impact factor of any […]