Events and Talks

Dr. Kristin Campbell and study participants are featured in the Canadian Foundation for Innovation!

The Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) is celebrating 20 years of excellence with stories on how “Research Builds My Community”, and the work of Dr. Kristin Campbell, along with the women who have participated in research studies on exercising during breast cancer treatment, are being featured as a story. You can read the story “Research […]

The Province Podcast with Dr. Campbell!

Dr. Campbell was featured on The Province Podcast, hosted by Ian Austin, where they talked about the newly published study showing EEG evidence of “chemo-brain” in breast cancer patients. This study has also been widely shared throughout the media in the past month – you can see the article shared in a previous posting in […]

Walking Group for Breast Cancer Survivors!

Dr. Kristin Campbell’s Clinical Exercise Physiology Lab is creating an 8-week walking program to provide a safe, social, and fun way for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. This program is aimed to welcome women of different fitness levels and backgrounds by providing them with a safe, positive space in which they can […]

Kristin Campbell on CTV Morning Live!

Kristin Campbell was with Keri Brown this morning to answer some questions about the role of exercise and physical activity in cancer prevention and survivorship! To watch the video of Kristin’s interview, click here. To tune into the live chat, visit the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Ask an Expert Live Chat, click here.

Protected: Translating research into practice: Implementing community based exercise programs for cancer survivors – September 25, 2014

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