News and Updates

Supplement Published in the Journal Cancer

Drs. Kristin Campbell and Susan Harris were involved in the development of a prospective surveillance model for rehabilitation (PSM) for women with breast cancer. Panel members included breast cancer experts from the fields of physical therapy, exercise physiology, nursing, surgery, radiation oncology, plastic surgery and  physical medicine and rehabilitation. The model and evidence to support […]

Congratulations to Sarah Neil!

Sarah Neil with the Clinical Exercise Physiology Lab graduated on November 26, 2011 with her Master of Science.

Canada Safeway’s Breast Cancer Awareness campaign

On October 4, 2011, celebrity chef Ricardo Larrivee helped celebrate the launch of Canada Safeway’s Breast Cancer Awareness campaign, in support of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. The event was held at the Miele Gallery in Vancouver and also featured CBCF-funded researcher Dr. Kristin Campbell (at 2:42 minutes). Check out the video here:

UBC gains $2.9 million for research infrastructure

On September 1, 2011 Dr. Kristin Campbell was awarded funding under the Leaders Opportunity Fund. For more details, visit: